Welcome to Chapter By Chapter!

Over the course of the following year, I hope we'll be examining, in the words of Bob_san, the "fabulous" Lost In Translation, in exacting detail. How exacting? As exacting as YOU like. It's totally down to you.
Here's how it works: Every few weeks, a new thread will go up, dedicated to the latest DVD chapter -- i.e. the portion of the film denoted by that chapter number. And there are 24 chapters in all, so that's a lot of discussion!
Here's what you do: Post! That's it. You simply give your opinions of each portion of the film. The chapters are uploaded separately to encourage everyone to congregate towards the same chapter for a brief portion of time, but you can continue to post in any of the other chapter threads. The only thing I need to make clear is that Bob_san or I or somebody delegated by us is responsible for starting each thread. We'll see how it goes with that.
Any and every aspect of Lost In Translation is fair game. You can talk about your personal likes and dislikes (dislikes? pfft!

I may be getting a bit carried away here, but I'd like for this to be the most detailed and comprehensive commentary on LIT ever. But that's really down to you guys. To all of us. I'm really grateful that Bob_san has given this idea his approval. It could be a very rewarding experience. In my time, I've seen some good discussions on IMDb, as well as here, at WeAreAwake, but I wanted some way to really focus discussion in a slightly more formal way, rather than letting the loose tendrils of various conversations and debates forever drift apart.
If I have sounded like an overbearing school teacher, I apologise. The bottom line in this is fun. Here's the order of play:
CHAPTER 1: Main Titles
CHAPTER 2: Welcome To Tokyo
CHAPTER 3: Charlotte Can't Sleep
CHAPTER 4: Suntory Time
CHAPTER 5: Charlotte Wanders
Coming Shortly!
CHAPTER 6: Premium Fantasy
CHAPTER 7: The Photo Shoot
CHAPTER 8: Kelly!
CHAPTER 9: Jet Lag
CHAPTER 10: Drinks With Kelly
CHAPTER 11: Night Out With Charlie
CHAPTER 12: Karaoke Time
CHAPTER 13: Calling Home
CHAPTER 14: Black Toe
CHAPTER 15: The Hospital
CHAPTER 16: Are You Awake?
CHAPTER 17: Kyoto
CHAPTER 18: Matthew's Best Hit TV
CHAPTER 19: The Jazz Singer
CHAPTER 20: The Worst Lunch
CHAPTER 21: Fire Alarm
CHAPTER 22: So This Is Goodbye
CHAPTER 23: Hey, You!
CHAPTER 24: End Titles
BONUS DISCUSSION: DVD Extras And Deleted Scenes
I hope that this basic list is to everyone's satisfaction. I thought I'd bookend our discussion of the film with the DVD stuff for completion's sake. I'll pencil in dates for the different chapters (i.e. when we plan to post those chapters) as and when we decide. It sorta depends on the scale of the response to this thing.
If anyone has any feedback, don't hesitate to let us know: http://www.weareawake.org/litforum/viewtopic.php?t=909 One thing that's already emerged from that thread is the idea of a "wiki". It may be possible to create one for this site, maybe even in parallel with the Chapter By Chapter discussion that's now underway.
I think that about covers it. OK, it's Suntory time...!