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I'm getting tired of the public problems of celebrities

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 3:06 pm
by 52FM
Maybe I'm just in a bad mood becuase of my own problems - but I'm really getting tired of two things: the public problems of celebreties and the fact that America (and other countries I suppose) pay such an absurd amount of attention to them.

The issues that child stars face is not a new thing by any means. Or the issues of sudden fame and wealth. So why are we to feel sorry for Britney Spears and her "cry for help"? She set herself up INTENTIONALLY to have the image she has - which always seemed set to appeal to "dirty old men" and young teenaged boys than anything else. Frankly, I thought the coy, sly, sexuallity she was showing and denying was disgusting - given I had an impressionable teenaged daughter when she came on the scene. It was all calculated - but naturally it wasn't going to go on that way forever. In my mind, she had two options - go mainstream or take it even further.

It was obvious to anyone with older kids that she had no real childhood, was too used to being pampered and told she's talented, beautiful, the idol of millions etc. She needed a strong support network, and her parents failed her (in my mind). But this could all be predicted as a real risk from the path they all seemed to consciously chose.

Now that it's happened - we're supposed to feel bad for her? She intentionally set up quandries for parents all over by her style - by her gyrations on stage - by her suggestive videos and lyrics (all the while denying there was anything less than innocent about it all.

So again, maybe I'm being harsh, but I jsut can't muster any sympathy. It's an abnormal life- I assume (and alsmost hope) unfullfiling; and the next steps are obvious. Quit the whole celbrity scene for the next several years; and maybe at age 30 or so come back as a sincere, no gimmick entertainer (if she has any actual talent, that is.)

Either that, or she'll end up a sex star of some sort, and who knows where that will lead.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:05 pm
by Pockets
I don't feel sorry for Britney Spears, Anna Nicole Smith or Paris Hilton. Britney has set a terrible example for young women to follow. But by now, they should know better than to emulate that sort of white trash.

Otherwise, part of the public's fascination with celebrities is the fact is that truth is stranger than fiction. And with some of these famous people, it's like watching a train wreck happening in slow motion.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 5:40 am
by Just Like Honey...
I have a very scornful attitide toward all of that no-talent celebrity crap (I will not even begin), but I've come to realise that the more we actively disrespect/hate them/whatever, the more attention we are giving them anyway, and you know they say there is no such thing as bad publicity. I personally believe most of them deserve said incidents, because their lives require absolutely no effort input whatsoever. Maybe one day if we all stop caring they will simply disappear.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:10 pm
by I65

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:22 pm
by 52FM
I had read what he had to say on the matter, and I respect his point of view. Certainly I don't wish for bad things to happen to her; it's just that she knowingly and willingly created a public image for herself that doesn't lend itself to sympathy or empathy. At least not in the frame of mind I'm in these days.

I read today that she bought out an entire wing of the rehab center. I suspect it was so no other patients woudl be there to sell stories to the magazines about what she was like during her stay. How ironic. It's fortunate for her that she is in a financial position to do that - but if she wasn't that rich and famous she maybe wouldn't need to be in there in the first place.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:46 pm
by I65
52FM wrote:I had read what he had to say on the matter, and I respect his point of view. Certainly I don't wish for bad things to happen to her; it's just that she knowingly and willingly created a public image for herself that doesn't lend itself to sympathy or empathy. At least not in the frame of mind I'm in these days.

I read today that she bought out an entire wing of the rehab center. I suspect it was so no other patients woudl be there to sell stories to the magazines about what she was like during her stay. How ironic. It's fortunate for her that she is in a financial position to do that - but if she wasn't that rich and famous she maybe wouldn't need to be in there in the first place.
That image she created began as a teenager. She's only 25. I would love to undo a lot of things that I did before I was 25.

People make mistakes. The people the least 'deserving' of empathy are often the ones that need it the most.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:28 am
by 52FM
I agree. And in all this I can only wonder about her parents. I don't know her situation - if she has a father and mother that she is close to, or just her mother, or neither. No close friends - not hangers-on, but friends?

I'm just not in a good frame of mind and I'm feeling a bit of annoyance or impatience with my own situation - so seeing her troubles splashed all over just bugs me. Not to say her issues are any easier - in fact, I have no way to judge how difficult they be. Certainly many famous people have killed themselves (intentionally or accidentally) over these types of things.

In ither words, Ith - you're trying to appeal to the understanding and empathetic sidde of me that you know exists. And I just don't have it at hand right now. It'll be back one day.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:50 am
by I65
52FM wrote:I agree. And in all this I can only wonder about her parents. I don't know her situation - if she has a father and mother that she is close to, or just her mother, or neither. No close friends - not hangers-on, but friends?

I'm just not in a good frame of mind and I'm feeling a bit of annoyance or impatience with my own situation - so seeing her troubles splashed all over just bugs me. Not to say her issues are any easier - in fact, I have no way to judge how difficult they be. Certainly many famous people have killed themselves (intentionally or accidentally) over these types of things.

In ither words, Ith - you're trying to appeal to the understanding and empathetic sidde of me that you know exists. And I just don't have it at hand right now. It'll be back one day.
I agree with her troubles being everywhere as annoying, but I find the annoyance with the media.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 5:49 am
by jml98
I'm not sure what to make of Britney other than to pose this (rhetorical) question:

Did any of you think we'd see the day when Christina Aguilera was classier and more attractive than Britney Spears?