This is a racial statement also. Why not delete this comment also? Is this message board to be only about the surface beauty of LiT and Japan? If so, I am very disappointed that we can't have open and honest discussions about the truth as mature and enlightened adults. And why should the Japanese hate the Chinese? After all, it was the Japanese that occupied China and committed what many in the international community as the Rape of Nanking.jml98 wrote:Btw, japanese people, I've found, HATE chinese people. They are always the butt of jokes, but you can tell they aren't REALLY kidding.
And over the last two months, I've watched two indie movies about life as young Chinese young women trying to balance their heritage with the Western culture they are living in. Once takes place in NYC and the other is set in Canada. The movies are Saving Face and Double Happiness. In both, all can see how these Chinese people living in the North America have their little prejudices against the non-Chinese. In both movies, the prejudice is not the main theme, but it is part of the makeup of the older generations. And what their parents say to them is what I also heard from my own mother growing up. Of course, all of that when set in the movies comes off as more humorous, but it also sadly mirrors the truth and why there are Chinatowns and such tight knit Asian communities outside of Asia.
And here is just one article commenting on the Asian beauty ideal of lighter colored skin: ... ening.html
And I don't hate the Japanese or the Koreans or any other culture, but as a woman, I am and will be more sensitive to any of their past and current male chauvinistics attitudes and tendencies. And being Chinese, just adds another dimension to my opinions in terms of cultural clashes. For most of my life, most of my friends consider me a "banana" or as white-washed a Chinese person as one can get because I grew up in a Boston suburb with nary another Asian family in sight. Boston's Chinatown was a foreign land to me back then and still is for me today.
And I do wish to visit Japan some day. But I will use commonsense and be wise about my movements over there as if I were in the Paris with the gypsy kids in the subway systems. The Japanese have crime in their country just as any other country does, they just cover it up well. And they don't consider rape a crime. What's disturbing about the Lindsay Ann Hawker is that not only she didn't take this guy chasing her a day earlier more seriously, but also that the police found him in his apartment and he still managed to elude him and he is still missing. I have a few woman friends with plans to visit Japan and I've warned them to be careful over there. Japan is such a beautiful perfect looking place and the people are very polite, but it's important not to let ones guard down and treat Japan like a clean Disneyland or Oz with the population being cute munchkins. And as to to my male friends, I feel that it's important never to flirt too obviously with the cute girls over them and to make sure that it's all about politeness and respect.